
Healthcare Marketing: Social Media for Hospital Recruitment

Social media is proving to be very effective in recruiting efforts.  And it can also double as a great brand building strategy for a hard to reach audience.     

Human Resource professionals are finding that posting jobs on Twitter can be very effective in recruiting new employees.  But it is also a way to advertise and market brands to 18-34 year olds, the mainstay of the social networking site.

Alejandra Cancino in a recent article in the Los Angeles Times discussed how Sears and K-Mart are using recruiting efforts on Twitter to also communicate a strong brand message to a sometimes skeptical and difficult to reach audience. “It allows for multiple ways to communicate a positive message and achieve multiple goals within an organization from marketing to human resources,” stated Mike Dwyer, a social media strategist for Aon Consulting.

Cancino quoted Lance Brolin, a Sears human relations executive, when he stated the company wants to see what social media can offer in employment, advertising and in ensuring their messages are getting to the right candidates.

The strategy has a least two objectives.  Recruit quality employees and communicate a strong brand message. Twitter has proven to be effective with the first objective and now companies are realizing they can accomplish the second objective among a younger, hard to reach audience.

Healthcare HR and marketing professionals can work together to create a very effective synergy in achieving goals for both departments.  And together build a stronger brand.
